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TalentMetrix Human Capital Management Solutions


It is true that some employees can create exponentially differential value for the organisation. One of the roles of modern HR is to identify, nurture, grow and retain these individuals, formally known as the Hi-Pots.


TalentMetrix's High Potential Program follows a four stage solution. First, TalentMetrix works in partnership with HR to define the High Potentials Program in the organisation's context -  what are the critical roles for Hi-Pots, what Career Paths they need to take, what are the decision making parameters and what are the Development Journeys to get there. Most companies don't spend adequate time on Program Design and the Business goals of their Hi-Pot strategies, which eventually detract from and sometimes sink the Program.


Second, evaluating eligible talent on decision making parameters that comprise Talent Intelligence - competencies, performance, skills & engagement levels. In this stage, we leverage predictive HR analytics to identify potential along the entire life cycle of the employee. For critical roles, we further validate these findings with an Assessment Development Centre or Panel Review to provide targeted recommendations. The problem with many high potential models is the competencies, skills, behaviours and motivations are too broad to be relevant to the business strategy. Unlike other non-predictive assessments, we provide insight into potential by role.


Third, we finalise Hi-Pots based on the decision making parameters and Business Goals laid out in the Program Design. At this stage, we define potential roles, career paths and Development Journeys for Hi-Pot talent.


Finally, we share the results and findings with each Hi-Pot. Their inputs and aspirations are incorporated and the next role and career path finalized. This allows for the creation of a targeted development plan including stretch goals, scope increases, mentorship or Executive Education as the situation requires. Development Plans are anchored to Business Goals to ensure that all Development is linked to ultimate performance on the job.

"The key to a successful Hi-Pot program is integrated execution. We enable HR to deliver integrated, high impact programs that are aligned with Business Goals"


Clients who leverage our High Potential Program experience success by:

  • Adopting a scientific & defensible approach to High Potential Identification

  • Creating a transparent development roadmap to move High-Potentials from current to future role

  • Creating a High Quality Leadership Bench and Succession Pipeline

  • Planning Talent Retention & Engagement Strategies

  • Planning Backups for Critical Roles

  • Placing right bets for Business Growth on the right talent


  • End to end solution spanning Program Design, Need Analysis, Assessment & Ongoing Development

  • Predictive role-specific competency assessment aligned with business strategy

  • Scientifically derived parameters which predict High Potential

  • Fully customisable career paths based on the individuals capabilities and organisation demands

  • Global practices, with 100% customisation to business context

  • Enablement based model to ensure HR can run the program

  • Actionable development through Individual Development Plans or L&D Calendars, linked to Business Improvement

  • Easy to analyse Dashboards with drill-down capabilities

Other HR Tools

Assessment Development Centre
Behavioural Event Interview
360 Feedback Survey
Individual Development Plan
Talent Heatmap
Talent Readiness
Decision Support
Training Needs Analysis


Financial Services
Software Products
Global Insourcing Centre's (GIC's)
Global Delivery Organizations


Leadership & C-Suite
Software Development
Centres Of Excellence
Quality & Audit
Customer Service
Data Science
Software Product Engineering
Software Testing


Mid Management
Front Line Managers
People Managers
First Time Managers
Team Leads
Individual Contributors

Business Challenges

Agile Talent
Digital Talent
High Performance Culture
Building People Managers
Building An Innovation Culture
Managing Change
Managing Millennial Talent
Solution Selling - Trusted 

Ideal for

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